We're climbing a heck of a hill and baby doesn't want to go on any further, he is teething and miserable so I find myself a patch of grass alonside the path and and sit to give him some boob. Seems I wasn't the only one baring some skin though..
Lo and behold along comes a man climbing this big ol hill with skintone shorts...or so I thought. I marvel to Darren and our host that it looks as if he has nothing on. Only, as he gets a little closer, I realise the man is indeed without clothing!
The first thing to ask was if this was normal. Apparently not as our host was more gobsmacked then we were and seemed unable to speak for a bit there. She was finally able to answer in German clearly saying this was not at all normal round these parts.
Got even better when he said hello as he made his way past us and I wasn't sure what to say hello to, his face or the offending twig and berries.. I did, however make sure Daz took a picture of his departing behind..

Funniest thing I saw the whole trip, coming in close being Darren's classic stack (not allowed to share, sorry!).