After a couple of years of infertility and the assistance of IVF, we were gifted with the news of Noah's pending arrival and now it seems a cold night in Griffith (as Darren so generously told his side of the family), is all it took to be lucky enough to concieve again. We are one grateful bunch of Johnstones right now!
13 weeks and 2 days along today. The glamour shots taken above were taken at 12 weeks 4 days pregnant.

I am guessing that the new banner photo is the product of your efforts at that cake decorating course. Am I correct? Gee, those are some skills you have developed, looks super professional. Don't you have more pics of what you did you can post? Would love to see what it takes to make one of those sugar flowers. And now the 'presence' in your tummy! Talk about surprises eh? How exciting and crazy for you guys.Congratulations! Really happy for you all, can't even begin to imagine the chaos that is ahead in the Johnstone household :-)