Friday, May 8, 2009

Mothers Day tree??

Yep, that's right. The boys are usually good for a last minute shop in the final hours of the day before, but this time they have gone above and beyond. They huddled in the office together wrapping presents and yelled out almost violently when I wriggled the door knob or threatened to come in. I was later presented with an apparently new Mothers Day tradition...

The Mothers Day tree
Do you think these could be mass produced and sold to Myer and DJs? Could be a hit right?

Bewildered I was, what a strange concept! And how funny are my boys, not to mention generous, check out the loot under that there 'tree'!

Darren said Adrian was really helpful and pretty much led the way with the gift shopping, saying I must have taken Adrian shopping with me before. Looking forward to unwrapping this bounty, just about rubbing my hands together with excited anticipation. Even the cats took their little baskets down to the Square for the yellow gift you can just make out on the right. And there is Noah's Ark gift wrap on one pressie from..well you guess.


  1. The lads are priceless! Is that tree supposed to resemble you?
