Thursday, May 14, 2009

Meeting Helene

My friend across the globe who I have never met but over time, we had developed a special friendship. We arrived at Buckingham Palace and were overwhelmed almost immediately by the crowds, how in the heck would I find Helene and family in all that?!

So we went back to our hotel and drank cocktails instead.

Ok that didn't happen. We found each other with the aid of our mobiles, it was that crowded and headed off in the direction of Hyde Park. It was a lovely sunny day, the daffodils were blooming, the birds chirping and the squirrels were out to play! We had a yummy lunch, chatted our heads off, laughed at Helene's son in a hole and at Darren's getting shirty with the 'chair vendor' dude (you had to hire the deck chairs). We all got along like a house on fire. Being close in age, Charlotte and Adrian paired off with Helene's mini laptop and enjoyed each others company. Andy was lovely and Helene was all I imagined her to be and any worries that there may have been periods of silence were forgotten, only wish we lived closer.

There are so many pictures I want to share with you so I have added a flickr tab to the right here, you can click on it and go directly to my day with Helene. I miss you already dear friend.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Rachael i am so sorry for not commenting on this post earlier, i checked for days and then you go and sneak it in without me knowing *wink*
    Wasn't it an awesome day??? i still think about it now, it drifts into my mind, and whenever i visit London again it will be my first thoughts for sure!
    You described it way better than i did and i laughed at the cocktails bit, you had me worried there for a minute and i KNEW it wasnt true hehe
    I really really hope we meet again at some point, or maybe i could come to you???
