Sunday, October 18, 2009

My Star

Check out Adrian singing, 'Surrey with the Fringe on Top' and 'Boys from the Bush' in the youtube links to the right of my posts. Both sang at his school musical around a month ago and first time singing solo!

He has auditioned to get into Darren's school next year, highschool!! He was so nervous singing for the audition so to see him get up on stage and pull this off is a major achievement for our lad, proud as could be we were!

He's also very much into the idea of drama so I think we're in for some exciting highschool years ahead. I had no idea my boy would ever be doing something like this so it makes me incredibly happy to see him doing great things with his young life. He has come a long way in the last couple of years, leaps and bounds, what a relief and an ever so proud feeling I have!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

3 Months of Absence

Although it seems an unexpected but more than welcome presence has taken inhabitance in the confines of my belly for the past 3 months....

Greetings Earthling

After a couple of years of infertility and the assistance of IVF, we were gifted with the news of Noah's pending arrival and now it seems a cold night in Griffith (as Darren so generously told his side of the family), is all it took to be lucky enough to concieve again. We are one grateful bunch of Johnstones right now!

13 weeks and 2 days along today. The glamour shots taken above were taken at 12 weeks 4 days pregnant.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

And He's Off!

I know it's short but I'm excited. I'll have to get a better video tomorrow... and once I have vacuumed!
See? June, the month of a crawling baby...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

To be considered...

I had wondered how the cats would handle the placing of safety gates around the house as our little man is on the move, Darren emailed this to me and said this should be considered..

I burst out laughing everytime I watch it, have I ever mentioned how much I love a good stack? Must be the awkwardness of it or something but it has me rolling!

A Mummy Update

Mum is doing a lot better it seems. Perhaps as I had hoped before, the meds have settled in and her body has become used to them. She hasn't had any fitting for a little while now, around 2 weeks or so I think whereas before she was fitting every few days and numerous times on that day. It's a huge relief on so many levels. It was dangerous for her, stressful for everyone and now Dad shouldn't have to take leave next term as he had planned. What's been amazing though is that she has remained in relatively good spirits throughout it all. I'm wondering if that is the new meds effects as well. Whatever it is, it's good to see that for now, things are a little brighter.

Taken from Mum's 50th earlier this year, she had blown out the candles before we had a chance to sing Happy Birthday. Goose!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Noah Dosage

because I think you need it...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Do I really want to expose myself....?

Why yes, yes I do actually. No, I'm not stripping down to my birthday suit or anything of the sort. No, sorry to dissapoint, I'm actually going to reveal all in a series of blog entries posted regularly which will include my up to date weight and body measurements. Yes, thats right, I'm on a mission to cut some fat!

I will not be dieting on rice cakes, silly shakes and weight watchers cookies. I will not be throwing myself into a rigorous exercise regime which will only be followed up with a not so healthy congratulatory binge which in turn wil be followed by yet another woe is me binge later in the day. I will be eating mostly better meals, smaller amounts, snacking on fruit, drinking more water. I will not be hoeing into blocks of chocolate, eating bowls of cereal as snacks, taking one too many bread rolls at a BBQ because there ain't nothing like a snag in a white crusty bread roll!!, choosing too many of the coconut milk based curries instead of a stirfry or yummy Thai salad, eating endless slices of pizza in place of perhaps TWO slices RACHAEL with an oh so yummy salad I COULD take the time to make!!

I will be taking my baby boy for walks in the pram because I like to look at nature and houses, I like to be out in the fresh air enjoying sun, a breeze, wind, whatever as long as it's outside. Noah loves a walk in the pram, the passing trees, cars, birds sounding like they've been just about murdered screeching their high pitched melodies.

I hate exercise when it's purely done to exercise, it's boring and depressing, it's also stressful like if I don't walk for 50 minutes as I did yesterday then I must be falling off the wagon already, might as well give up now, I'm never going to lose weight, I feel down now, I'm going to go home and make toasted ham and cheese sandwiches, not one, no TWO! Then I'll feel like crap and probably begin to raid the cupboard for Adrian's snacks that I don't really like all that much but I WANT to eat!

I cannot tell you how many times I have wished I were the stresser that lost their appetite, oh no I'm getting so skinny I can't fit into ANY of my clothes!! The pain, the stress, oh drama,it is leading me to eating even less and dropping the kilos like it's going out of fashion, whatever will I do?! I envy you! Don't get me wrong, I do know that has it's downsides as well but I'd like a small piece of that...cake...I mean mentality.

As a teen I had been on the go, going here there and everywhere, by foot, by train, anywhere but home seemed to be my motto. When I had Adrian, it was no different and now I was pushing a pram and wanting to keep up a social life, without a car so off I would walk to get everywhere! I remember walking up a hill one day and my friend turned around and said that she could see abs through my clingy top, I looked down and she was right! I was so busy living an active social life what with visiting friends and boys to chase, my endless traipsing all over the place had shaped my body without me even knowing it!

My battle with weight began back in 2000, just before I met Darren actually. I was over the boy chasing, too many fruitless ventures and I thought that Adrian needed a more attentive mother rather than one that was trying to find happiness in a bunch of 'dead ends'. I slowed the social lfe right down, focused on getting more work instead (waitressing) and slowly the weight crept on. I met Darren, he wined and dined the heck out of me and drove me everywhere and I just kept gaining the kilos.

The story continues and I could go on and on through my years of severe depression, upheavals in our lives etc but that is where it began and it never really stopped despite the occasional, "Oh no a wedding is coming up, I have to lose some serious kgs!!". And then I would but I'd still leave a little there to be added to yet again and here I am in 2009, twenty-five PLUS kilos heavier. Sigh. Yes, I did just say TWENTY-FIVE kilos ok?

My weight journey is a BIG story in itself which I will tell over time with self discovery, health issues and acceptance all part of the tale but for now and to cut it short because surprise surprise I'm a bit over talking about myself for now, here are my stats...

In case you were wondering, the hair is not mine, I just like looking dickie.

Weighing in at : 82.1 kgs
Height : 156cm
BMI : 33.7 - 'Moderate Risk' also classified as Obese 1 as opposed to Obese 11 or Obese 111..woohoo, I'm only obese 1! Doing a happy, if not wibbly wobbly dance to celebrate. Sheesh, way to make someone motivated, just say the OBESE word!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Funky mood

Not funky like feel like breaking loose with some retro moves, just in a funk, down and out.

As always, I will be ok.

My mother is not doing so well. She has been fitting which is unusual for her despite her having lived with Epilepsy for many years now. Trivial piece of information- Epilepsy comes in different forms and my mothers to date has not been of the fitting variety. She has however, been trialling a new medication for her Skitzophrenia (yes I know, she's not a lucky bird), and I really feel that this must be the problem because the 'fitting' coincidentally began shortly after starting the new med.Anyway to cut it short because I'm not in a cyber mood of late and just don't have the energy, things have got worse to the point that she can no longer stay at home by herself as she has been collapsing suddenly and is at risk.

My father works full time so I will have her here with me for a couple of days from tomorrow onwards and after a fair bit of prompting, much to my relief, he is reaching out to everyone and seeking assistance at least for the next couple of weeks. The doctors are aware and are running various tests (more could be done in my opinion but thats a whole other story) so it's just a waiting game at the moment. This is all new so it's too early to think long term but I'm worried about where this is all leading for Mum foremost and selfishly...for the rest of us.

Happier days are ahead, I know it but for now, the funk cloud lingers..

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Meeting Helene

My friend across the globe who I have never met but over time, we had developed a special friendship. We arrived at Buckingham Palace and were overwhelmed almost immediately by the crowds, how in the heck would I find Helene and family in all that?!

So we went back to our hotel and drank cocktails instead.

Ok that didn't happen. We found each other with the aid of our mobiles, it was that crowded and headed off in the direction of Hyde Park. It was a lovely sunny day, the daffodils were blooming, the birds chirping and the squirrels were out to play! We had a yummy lunch, chatted our heads off, laughed at Helene's son in a hole and at Darren's getting shirty with the 'chair vendor' dude (you had to hire the deck chairs). We all got along like a house on fire. Being close in age, Charlotte and Adrian paired off with Helene's mini laptop and enjoyed each others company. Andy was lovely and Helene was all I imagined her to be and any worries that there may have been periods of silence were forgotten, only wish we lived closer.

There are so many pictures I want to share with you so I have added a flickr tab to the right here, you can click on it and go directly to my day with Helene. I miss you already dear friend.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mothers Day noodles

Ok well Darren said the pictures I wanted to put up were reminiscent of cat vomit so I chose a photo he agreed with. We made Spätzle! German noodles basically. I made the doughy paste, Darren cooked the noodles, grated the Jarlesburg and cut the onion. I fried the onion and put that, the cheese and the noodles in the oven together for around 15 minutes....then we ate! It was really good actually, more pebble poo in appearance then anything but tasting very much like what we had over in Ulm, Germany. Perhaps they could have been a little lighter in texture and another cheese would have been good to give a more interesting flavour, but we were proud of our efforts.

Interestingly, upon surfing the net for more tips on cooking this fine dish, I stumbled upon yet another Indian living in Germany (our host wife in Germany is Indian), who likes to cook and is an excellent photographer of her culinary skills..

So using her recipe, the recipe on the noodle utensil and the Swabian recipe book our hosts gave us, we came up with our own yummy version. We liked it so much, we're making it for our Sunday lunch guests!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Mothers Day tree??

Yep, that's right. The boys are usually good for a last minute shop in the final hours of the day before, but this time they have gone above and beyond. They huddled in the office together wrapping presents and yelled out almost violently when I wriggled the door knob or threatened to come in. I was later presented with an apparently new Mothers Day tradition...

The Mothers Day tree
Do you think these could be mass produced and sold to Myer and DJs? Could be a hit right?

Bewildered I was, what a strange concept! And how funny are my boys, not to mention generous, check out the loot under that there 'tree'!

Darren said Adrian was really helpful and pretty much led the way with the gift shopping, saying I must have taken Adrian shopping with me before. Looking forward to unwrapping this bounty, just about rubbing my hands together with excited anticipation. Even the cats took their little baskets down to the Square for the yellow gift you can just make out on the right. And there is Noah's Ark gift wrap on one pressie from..well you guess.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Germany : Land of the Trekking Nuddies

We stayed for a couple of nights in a small town called Nordlingen with some wonderful locals who took us out for a day to explore their hometown and surrounds.

We're climbing a heck of a hill and baby doesn't want to go on any further, he is teething and miserable so I find myself a patch of grass alonside the path and and sit to give him some boob. Seems I wasn't the only one baring some skin though..

Lo and behold along comes a man climbing this big ol hill with skintone shorts...or so I thought. I marvel to Darren and our host that it looks as if he has nothing on. Only, as he gets a little closer, I realise the man is indeed without clothing!

The first thing to ask was if this was normal. Apparently not as our host was more gobsmacked then we were and seemed unable to speak for a bit there. She was finally able to answer in German clearly saying this was not at all normal round these parts.

Got even better when he said hello as he made his way past us and I wasn't sure what to say hello to, his face or the offending twig and berries.. I did, however make sure Daz took a picture of his departing behind..

Seems a backpack and good sturdy shoes is all you need for a hike

Funniest thing I saw the whole trip, coming in close being Darren's classic stack (not allowed to share, sorry!).

Saturday, April 18, 2009

And he better not have it with him!

Where's the bloomin camera?!!!!!!

I'm not a patient person and I cannot find the camera so I might upload pics of our The Johnstones Meet Europe trip. Daz is gigging so I will be calling (don't you worry your pretty little head about that), to find out where he has put it!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Not much going on...

...except for a trip to EUROPE!! Weee!

Who says weee anyway?

Germany is our base where we still stay with my buddy ol pal and her husband in Ulm. In the middle of our trip we take off to London and Paris to see the sights, scale the side of the Eiffel, beat up on the fluffy hat man at Buckingham etc.

If I'm not on here again for a little while, we leave on Tuesday the 24th and back in the early morn of Friday the 17th, April. Darren has a gig that night, eeek!

Well au revoir for now, enjoy your work, house cleaning or whatever it is you do, I on the other hand will be high flying it over to the other side!

Did I mention that Noah has taken to vocalising very loudly, experimenting with his voicebox, all in time for our 25 hour flight...thank goodness 3 hours of that will be spent in Abu Dhabi airport, our stopover.

Friday, March 20, 2009

She's the same as me!

If I didn't know any better, I would've thought we were twins even though we look completely different to each other. Giyen blogs her journey with weight battles and depression, both of which have become almost like old friends in her life as have they have in mine. No longer something to fight off but to just love, learn about and deal with.

I often talk to or hear people describing depression and it is like in the movies when you see one of those silly women beating up a mans chest, taking out her anger and sadness on him whilst he grips her arms with such strength that she eventually wears down and relents at which point, he takes her into his arms. I feel like I was once in repeat mode, pounding away and hating my weight and depression, wanting it to just go so I could be 'normal'. At some point though, I pressed play and relented, let myself feel and breathe and just be. Learn it, love it, live it should be my motto! Best thing I ever did, life is a tonne easier these days.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Sicker than a sick sick

Ok not that sick but feeling pretty shoddy, snuffly nose, sore throat and sore noggin. Adrian was hit with a 24hr bug on Friday which was promptly ended on Saturday with a visit to MY ensuite! I mean we had guests and all but seriously dude, my bathroom?! Good thing is he is all better now and was in fact able to play his first soccer game of the season that afternoon with his Griffith grandparents in tow.

Ok so you are being prewarned, don't say I didn't tell you! There are really two meanings to this post title.. Gross baby story ahead...

So Thursday morning baby and I are having a lovely chat on the lounge together with him sitting on my see where I'm going with this yet?

I hear the familiar rumblings I have come to know so well and lift him quickly into a standing position. Sometimes that stuff has nowhere else to go but up and out you see so I like to take precautions. Problem is I was obviously too late as I look down and see a small sample on my lap. I turn him around to inspect the back of his nappy. Houston, we have a problem! Not only has he managed to cover half his back but what I thought was a small sample was in fact a reasonable sized pool which must have sprung a leak as I feel a dampness easing it's way down between my legs, heading for the couch below. (Thank goodness it's leather!)

Panic hits as I frantically search for the best way to handle this dire situation. Reason sets in and I lie baby tummy down on the couch whilst I very carefully peel off my fishermans pants (recommended for this very situation as things could have been much more catastrophical without the pooling factor). It is indeed very tricky doing this mindful that there is carpet below me and the blinds are all up for the world to see my juggling act. I manage successfully and carry baby upstairs for his inevitable bath.

The phone rings whilst I am undressing him on my bed. He is on a folded over cloth nappy but nethertheless he is a wriggling pooey mess. I answer the phone. I know, stupid. It's Adrian's principal and she proceeds to explain that Adrian will not need an exemption form to go overseas as our trip runs into the school holidays and the time we will be away is under the 15 days requiring the form, blah blah blah.. I almost chuckle to myself as I wonder what she would think if she knew I was walking around half dressed with underpants wet with baby poo ( yes, it went that far!)

I undress baby after hanging up and carry him to the bath and just as I'm about to put him in, I feel a warm trickle work it's way down my chest, down my belly to the floor below. He's weeing! "You've got to be kidding me!!", I shreak which turns to laughter as I see him light up with delight at my squeals. Ratbag! With nowhere else to go and with a sudden trigger urge to use the loo myself, I lie him down on the bath mat and watch helplessly as he rolls onto the cold tiles, smiling madly obviously relishing the fact that I can't do anything or we may just end up with a much messier situation.

Finally I have him bathed and carry him all towelled up to the bed only to hear the doorbell ring. Crap! It's the courier guy, I get some ridiculous notion in my head that I can leave baby undressed on his towel, throw something over my head , run downstairs and accept the delivery thinking that the husband will pitch a fit if he knows I ignored it. I mean it's the power supply for his beloved 'Frau Mac'. Reason once again sets in as I survey the situation with naked baby ready to take aim at any given time and I am standing there still half dressed with baby muck all over me. Uh yeah, lets be smart eh, Rch? I begin to dress him whilst shushing his cooing so as not to hear the incessant ringing of the doorbell when the guy realises there is indeed someone home.

I step into the shower and wash like the water may be cut by the water board any second as I listen to the growing cries of my sweet little angel who no longer wants to be entertained by his cradle mobile.

Darren often says they come in cute packages so you won't leave them at the hospital, lucky Noah is so darn cute.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Cinnamon Jam Drops

Mum had an afternnoon tea with the fantastic women from her church to celebrate her 50th last weekend. The guests were asked to bring a plate of food so I thought this was the perfect opportunity to make the jam drops as requested by nagging fellow blogger/ friend, Chilli Walter.

Source: An old Marie Claire cookbook, Food + Drink

Cinnamon Jam Drops

Yes, those spaces are there for a reason..they smelt literally irresistable just out of the oven
3/4 cup self raising flour
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 cup rice flour
75 grams unsalted butter, softened
1/3 cup sugar
1 egg beaten
berry jam ( I used 2 types of raspberry)

Preheat the oven to 180℃. Sift together the cinnamon, flour and rice flour. In another bowl, cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy, then gradually add the egg, beating well. Fold into the sifted ingredients until just combined. Roll a teaspoon of the batter into a ball and place on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Repeat with the remaining mixture. Press a deep indent into the centre of each ball and fill with a little berry jam. Bake for 8-10 minutes, or until golden. Makes 36.

A good quality rich and seedy jam is ideal I found and the fresh cinnamon I picked up from my local fruit market gave it a scrumptious tastey taste! They did, however crack a little so I'll have to see how to perfect that with my next batch.

Now to twist Nanna's arm for the fork biscuits..

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I'm still here..sort of..

I have been so busy lately what with organising our overseas trip- accommodation, travel, passports etc as well as 2 birthday get togethers for my mother who is turning 50 in a couple of weeks.

I had quite the dilemma with the passports. I needed to get consent from Adrian's father for the passport but he passed away when Adrian was 4 and the application says that I must provide a death certifcate. I don't have one and upon calling Adrian's grandmother to ask if I could take her and the certifcate with me to apply, I find out that they had never applied for a certificate and only had hospital paperwork. So this means I have to apply for a certificate but I am not next of kin, Adrian is but it would be difficult and better if he were 12 years of age. So after consulting the website, I ring said grandmother back and ask if she could provide 3 copies of ID and could she please sign a letter I have typed up allowing me to apply for a certificate. I then learn that her ID is all over the shop with her old maiden name or English first name on various cards, papers. After trying to figure it all out over the phone, i decide that we will probably be ok. She asks if I would like her to come with me to the registry of births, deaths and marriages and I said I'd really appreciate that. She has been so good about all of this.

Anyway so we arrive at the registry with about 40 people (no joke) waiitng to be served, we collect our ticket from the electronic machine with various options and sit, preparing to wait for over an hour as we are being told that is the wait. TEN minutes later, our number is called and we are served. Our form is not completely filled out because I want to make sure I'd answered a couple of things correctly so he sends us away to fill it out with me thinking, ' this is where the hour wait comes into play'. He interrupts my thoughts with, ' when you are done, bring the form back over to me and I'll serve you'. I fill it out within a couple of minutes and within another 5, he has printed out 2 certificates for us both ( I paid for Adrian's grandmothers as a token of my appreciation and for being so good about it all). I find a lounge, feed baby and head out for the long drive home, dropping Aji (grandmother in Hindi) off along the way, phew!

All of that has taken up the last 2 days. And we still have to do the passports! I have us booked in for Saturday morning so I'm pretty sure the rest of it should be pretty straight forward.

Mum's birthday and trip organising is a story for another day!

Noah's great, still a little dream baby and very tall for his age. He has been in the 90th percentile for his age with each visit to the clinic. He's into holding onto things, trying to roll and has loved his baths since birth. Just a happy baby really. I warned Darren of the sleepless nights, the crying etc but so far Noah's been pretty cruisey. I keep saying I'm not holding my breath or counting my chickens just yet but I was saying that 3 months ago so, so far so good.

As for Daz, he has the Prime Minister coming to use his classroom next week and Darren needs to have a piece ready for his students to perform in the hall!

Yesterday, Adrian and I went to an optometrist, me for a new pair as mine are old and wrecked and Adrian to see if he would need a pair. I came out with a very cool looking pair and Adrian will need to start wearing his in class to see the board, go to the movies, watch TV etc. So we pick them up in a week or so. So pricey though, thank goodness for our health fund, we get around $140-180 off each pair.

We are currently waiting on my Grandfather to get better after he underwent a triple bypass a week ago. He has been very slow to recover, not really waking up for 4 days afterwards and although he is now showing some recognition, his kidneys are also slow to function so he had dialysis yesterday. I'm yet to hear the results of that... A little worried as Grandad is 83 years old. Dad was thinking of going up there yesterday or possibly tomorrow, a little part of me says, 'go there Dad, just in case'. Grandad only just remarried end of last year so I'm hoping they both have a couple more years to spend with each other.

Such a practical update I know, but it is all time will allow at the moment. I'll be sure to share the grossest poo, wee and projectile stories Noah has in the very near future... just to keep you keen.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The 'house' above

You may be wondering what that 'house' is doing there at the top of my profile?

Darren's Nanna and Poppa ( he has long since left us), lived here and it still stands today on the farm in Griffith. Here they raised their sons, Barry (Darren's father) and Graeme. Both sons stayed, married and built their own houses on the farm. Here they had their children. Darren left the farm at 18 years old to go to Uni here in Sydney.

I know lots of sketchy details about this house but I would rather do a little research so I can fill you in.

I just love old buildings and houses, love them! As we drive to Griffith, one of my favourite past times has been looking at the old and delapidated buildings along the way. I wonder what is the history of each one, who lived there and what did they do, how did they live?

I plan to put a new pic up the top from time to time, sometimes as a talking point or sometimes merely because I like it.

With the recent weather being up to and over 40 degrees celsius, I cannot imagine living in a house like that. Bring on the air con!

Oh and one more thing. Down the left hand side of my blog entries I have posted my youtube clips which I will add to with time. The xtreme tobogganing is me at 24 weeks pregnant trying to find a lame slope so as not to do any was certainly a lame slope.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Beach Meets Noah

Noah meets beach. After having arrived home from Griffith just the
night before, we were out the door by 10am the next morning to drive up to Newcastle (around 2 hours) for my Aunt's 60th. We were told very little about the day except for 'lunch at a restaurant' near the water and we'll hang out at the park afterwards. So we have lunch, a quick affair after arriving quite late as my father had given me the wrong address. And then it's watersports afternoon! Thank goodness I grabbed Adrian a pair of boardies 'just in case'.

The picnic blanket came in handy too, Mum, Noah and I.

Dougie boy (my father).
David Hasselhoff, eat your heart out!


Proud Grandad

Mum picking up on the beach, theres no stopping the woman.

Darren said my photo above looks scarily like Lindy Chamberlain and her daughter, Azaria's picture before Azaria's dissapearance. Eerie thought.

My boy.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Old Chums

My dear husband has just informed me that the guy we have staying with us was deemed 'creepy' by an ex flatmate of his. I had been feeling a little weirded out myself only to find that I am not alone there. He has made several offhand seedy comments, not necessarily directed at me but nethertheless, it's a little disconcerting. Daz thinks he's perfectly harmless and asked me what I felt threatened by. Nothing really, stupid, I just don't want him feeling it's ok to be within slapping distance whilst asking me how my day was or practically breathing in my ear as he shows me his artwork (admittedly quite good) on his website.

It's endearing my husbands loyalty to his friends and his genuine surprise and quick defense at the possibility that his friends may have some shortcomings. Hey, I'm cool, I can hold my own but I like to point out the obvious, which Darren, now enlightened, finds rather amusing.

On another note, we went to Bondi today for lunch with our friend down from Brisbane. She has the funniest little 17 month old son. He was a handful though and it has reminded me of what is ahead. I mean, don't look now but the little guy has BOTH his hands in your $5 apple, pineapple and mint juice (which, by the way,was sensational)! It was great though to catch up with an old friend, made me realise how sad it is to not have her around so much these days.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Nothing but a cow apparently

This blog should be renamed, Queen Daisy, the 24 hour breast feeder. Doesn't have a ring to it really but it's not far from the truth. I find when I'm trying to get things done and don't focus on making sure baby has some sort of boundaries, it seems I become a bottomless bottle of milk.

But to be fair, little Noah grants his mother a full nights sleep (if only she wouldn't look that gift horse in the mouth!). And then after his hearty breakfast, has yet another good couple of hours sleep in the morning to ensure Mummy gets to sleep in. She gets a glimpse at being a teenager all over again.

Perhaps though, Mother Daisy could do with hitting the sack a little earlier to make use of Noah's morning snooze. Not being on the phone to a friend overseas in the wee hours of the morn may make the slightest difference there huh?

Who do I blame though for being up late tonight? I know, the same overseas friend who got me started blogging here.

Taking me and my teats off to bed again.

Why hello!

Hello there girls and boys.

After much twisting of the ol arm (not really), my friend here.. has convinced me to join the blogging community.

So I've agreed to bore you all to tears.

It is beyond late in my neck of the woods (Sydney) so theres no way I'm staying but I wanted to start off my blog with a little post, a little decorating so to speak.

I'm surrounded in my house by a whole host of boys, my husband, my 2 sons - 11 years and 10 weeks, and my 2 cats. All boys and yet I am still on my little perch, ruling the roost. Long live Queen Rchie!

I am off to sleep. Till next time